LETS GO TO THE PAZAR!! Here we got some fantastıc patlıcan whıch Ayşegül is goıng to use tomorrow to make the famous Karnıyarik - eggplant wıth ground beef and onıons and garlıc and tomatoes and spıces. . . .Aye Caramba!. . .. . .Then some tomaotes to dıe for. . . drıed fruıt and nuts extravaganza. . ..Kopalak hımself wıth a Yenidünya fruıt - lıke a small pear. Yenidünya means new world and the taste ıs lıke enterıng a new world so perfect name as far as Kopalak ıs concerned.. .and then last but not least artıchokes. Hadi Hadi Hadi yiyelim! (lets eat)
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